

We acknowledge the following photographers and companies for material used on this site:

  • Onsite photography by Emerald Health and Safety
  • Images by Pixabay et al (CC.0)
  • Images by Pexels et al (CC.0)
  • Web Design : iBrutes Media
  • Privacy Notice information based on material © Andrew Taylor and Net Lawman Ltd.

Trademarks, descriptions and photographic material used within the site are property of their respective owners and used with permission.

This project was supported by the Kerry Local Enterprise Office through co-funding from the Irish Government and the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020.

Credits: European Regional Development Fund logo
Credits: Ireland's European Structural and Investment Funds logo

Created for Emerald Health and Safety with passion by ...

Passion in Design

Quality Websites and Online Media, for Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses

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