Health & Safety Portfolios
Emerald Health and Safety provides professional H & S service portfolios nationwide, required by all businesses to comply with national HSA regulations and insurance obligations.
Ideal for the smaller-scale company or sole trader that cannot afford a permanent Health & Safety officer, the portfolio includes access to a mobile app (iOS or Android) that holds all live regulatory documentation in a convenient and easily accessible manner.
Should a client be subject to a HSA audit, all required documentation is available via the app at the touch of a button. Our portfolio provides a physical copy of relevant material, along with the correct forms and documentation to cover any event.
As Emerald Health and Safety can manage your portfolio on your behalf, keeping up-to-date and ensuring compliance with current HSA legislation is simplified.
Emerald takes the hassle out of H & S, allowing you to:
- focus on the implementation on-site safety
- be more productive in your work
- have peace of mind that you are covered in the event of an incident
Portfolio & Mobile App
Leather-bound. As part of a service contract, this item includes:
Company Safety Statement
Company Documents
Risk Assessment
Method Statements
Training Register
Training Qualifications
Our attractive and professional leather-bound portfolio is designed to be a easily accessed resource. Making life easier for you and your business, it's perfect for holding documentation—such as your company's safety statements and risk assessments—and can also hold blank template forms or other papers ready for use.
Ensure the paper trail you need is at your fingertips at a moment's notice with this quality portfolio. (Documentation not included when purchased separately.)
Mobile App
For iOS and Android.
Company Safety Statement
Company Documents
Risk Assessment
Method Statements
Training Register
Training Qualifications
The perfect compliment to our H & S Portfolio, the Emerald SSP Mobile App brings paperwork into the 21st Century. Available for iOS and Android, the app allows you to access and review your information on the go, when and where it is needed most.
With quick entry forms and fully updatable documents, training qualifications and other important metrics can be entered at source, reducing overheads and improving accuracy.
Additional Services
Tap the icons to read more.
Call us with your queries, or to book a FREE phone consultation.
Contact Details
Emerald Health and Safety
Knockeenacurrig West,
Co. Cork,
P51 CAA4
Opening Hours
Monday-Saturday 09:00-17:00